I would give this a much higher score but seeing seeing a contributor reply with "ratio" on not even a troll review is just so disheartening as a person who has been on Newgrounds for so long and consuming stuff form it since way before. It's literally a mockery out of the original game.
I really hate the dishonesty and lack of respect from a lot of creators and contributors in general, it seems most content posted on this site is just a dumping ground while there twitter is the only thing they care about, And when I see something that scream "We love Newgrounds and we made this as an omage" But then seeing the people who worked on it say some bullshit passive aggressive twitter jargon is just... well, Yeah just terrible
EDIT: I'm not gate keeping Newgrounds idiot, But perhaps someone with a brain that's like "I'm going to say numa numa to own him cause I'm funny lol" then coming back a day later to add more garbage I can't reply to, yeah you might see it that way. I could actually critique the game itself but it seems you just write a "funny" passive aggressive joke to most of the reviews I'm seeing that has something negative to say about the game so I don't even bother...