Well it's not new year yet, but I hope everyone reading this had a great Christmas! My life sounds like a movie when I saw this but isn't it strange how something amazing can happen on Christmas? Never give up hope guys.
I don't want to give specifics but because of the news I'm more focused on other things right now all projects have been cancelled. Just saying, Life is good and I want all my friends to know that they make it worth living. Make sure your friends know you love them to. :) I'm very thankful for the life god has giving me.
so true! bro , thank u so much. u make my life wort living i was going though a very tough time and u saved me from a depression and almost suicide attemption , i hope we can a collab in the future soon.
LOL, IDK if you're joking about that suicide part but it's really nice to hear such words. I know a lot of people don't like you because you keep it really but I know you're a good guy where it counts! But yeah i'll try to get on discord more often so we can chat about doing stuff in the future! :D